• Episode 5: Church with Shadow Moon

    Episode 5: Church with Shadow Moon

    Vann Daley stops by Dreamworld to talk about her little…fling…with Shadow Moon, from the Starz show, American Gods. Fittingly, they took a nap together in a God-sized bed. Don’t worry—“nothing happened.”

  • Episode 4: The Gingerbread Man

    Episode 4: The Gingerbread Man

    Aspiring comic book writer Daniel Mauleon has been haunted in his sleep on several occasions by the most terrifying of all dream dangers: a cardboard craft he made when he was little.

  • Episode 3: Moonlight Sonata

    Episode 3: Moonlight Sonata

    Malcom Messer might have the most cinematic dreams that have ever existed, complete with “three weeks later” title cards, and an eerie soundtrack by Beethoven. He’s also pretty stoked about Jamba Juice.